Sunday, February 17, 2019

Why do Jews kiss their hand and touch the side of the building before entering their homes?

As I'm not Jewish I was curious to know why Jews kissed their hand and touched a part of the wall just outside their house before entering.
So naturally I did a web search for (why do jews kiss their hand before entering their homes) and found the following results which I scanned through as I found them (helpful) but honestly an information overload:

Why Kiss the Mezuzah? [source =>]
Why Kiss the Mezuzah? [source =>]
Practical Spirituality: Touching the Mezuzah [source =>]

Apparently Some Jewish people kiss the mezuzah to remind them of God, and to protect them when going out and coming home.

If you are Jewish and can summarize why Jewish people do this in a nutshell please get in touch.
Hope you find this post interesting and can make more sense out of the links above!

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